Course Content
02. Transforming
Discover various techniques to transform shapes.
03. Pathfinder & Align
Create complicate shapes quickly using Pathfinder.
04. Blend Tool & Masking
Introduction to Blend Tool and Masking techniques.
06. Bleed & Tabs Ruler
Set up Bleed, and create custom spacing and set alignment using Tabs Ruler
08. Appearance Panel
Create multiple fill and strokes within a single shape.
09. Creating 3D Graphics
Create 3D Graphics and map texture or logo using the 3D Tools in Adobe Illustrator.
10. Create Repetitive Pattern
Create repetitions of your graphic using Pattern or Scatter Brush and the Repeat function.
Adobe Illustrator CC | Tutorial
About Lesson

Sample .ai file is included in this lesson.

A breakdown video on how to draw a reflective wine glass using Mesh Tool (U), basic shapes, opacity and effects.

Exercise Files
Wine Glass Breakdown.rar
Size: 5.50 MB
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